Programme TV de BBC2 du Wednesday 12 March




Politics Live Join presenter Jo Coburn as she discusses the latest political news and stories in a conversational format, covering the comings-and-goings from Westminster in the BBC's daily politics programme. Featuring opinions and arguments from all the sides of the political spectrum, the show invites informed and opinionated guests to share their views on the stories of the day.
Impossible Entertaining and educational British quiz show, hosted by Rick Edwards, where 24 regular contestants compete throughout the series to answer tricky questions. But some of the optional answers are designed to be ''impossible'', or at the very least inconsistent with the information given. The participants must avoid selecting these booby trap answer and the best one wins the £10,000 jackpot.
Bridge of Lies Ross Kemp hosts the quiz where players must cross a bridge without stepping on any lies.
The Tournament In the ultimate knockout quiz, eight players do battle on the Tournament Run in a series of exciting tug-of-war quiz matches as they attempt to knock their opponents out of the game and steal their cash. Only one player will be left standing at the end, but can they make it all the way to the Golden Run to double their money? Hosted by Alex Scott.
The Farmers' Country Showdown Making a living in farming today is hard graft and taking big risks can help a farm survive. Today, three inspirational farming families are celebrated for their ideas and ingenuity, but only one can be crowned "Diversification Farmer of the Year" at The Farmers Weekly Awards held in London.
Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico Eva Longoria visite l'État de Jalisco, où une grande partie de ce que l'on voit est d'origine typiquement "mexicaine". Elle découvre également que la capitale de l'État, Guadalajara, possède certains des restaurants les plus avant-gardistes du pays.
Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico Eva Longoria se rend dans l'État de Nuevo Leon, au nord-est du pays, à la frontière de son État d'origine, le Texas. Comme il n'y a pas beaucoup de culture la viande est au menu, des chefs inventifs et ingénieux transforment des ingrédients simples en ...
Beechgrove Repotted Jackie Fry has lovingly renovated two acres of previously overgrown land in Gifford on the edge of the Lammermuirs. Shortly after moving in, Jackie and her husband were hit by a snowstorm which quickly made them realise that their garden, 730ft above sea level, would have to be filled with hardy plants which would survive the harsh climate and cold temperatures. Jackie has created a garden full of charm and an array of flowers and fruit providing interest the whole year round.
Flog It! Today's show comes from historic St Albans Cathedral and Abbey in Hertfordshire. Antique experts Claire Rawle and Jonathan Pratt find a selection of antiques and collectibles to take to auction. Claire discovers an arts and crafts bowl which may have belonged to George Bernard Shaw's wife. Meanwhile, Jonathan gets excited when stumbles upon a drawing by the artist Dame Laura Knight.
Richard Osman's House of Games New: Radio DJ Trevor Nelson, actress Kimberley Nixon, and comedians Des Clarke and Rachel Fairburn join the best-selling author to test themselves against his famous challenges.
New: Celebrity Antiques Road Trip La légende de la comédie Jennifer Saunders et sa meilleure amie, l'actrice de renom Patricia Potter, se lancent dans un voyage épique. Elles seront ccompagnées des experts en antiquités chevronnés Phillip Serrell et Mark Stacey.