Politics Live
Join presenter Jo Coburn as she discusses the latest political news and stories in a conversational format, covering the comings-and-goings from Westminster in the BBC's daily politics programme. Featuring opinions and arguments from all the sides of the political spectrum, the show invites informed and opinionated guests to share their views on the stories of the day.
Entertaining and educational British quiz show, hosted by Rick Edwards, where 24 regular contestants compete throughout the series to answer tricky questions. But some of the optional answers are designed to be ''impossible'', or at the very least inconsistent with the information given. The participants must avoid selecting these booby trap answer and the best one wins the £10,000 jackpot.
The Edge
Quiz show combining general knowledge and bowling, hosted by Mark Benton. Contestants must answer questions correctly to get the chance to bowl a ball down a custom-built alley. If a player rolls a ball into a winning cash zone they bank the cash, but if they roll off the edge of the lane, they win nothing!
The Boss
Susan Calman hosts this lively quiz where a boss is chosen among five players and answers five questions to determine the value of each question. Contestants face multiple-choice quickfire questions, puzzles and then one of them is put in control and nominates which of the other participants is the best to answer a particular question. The real Boss takes all cash and walks away.
Wild China
Du fait de l'immensité de son territoire, la Chine présente une forte diversité de paysages. La moitié est du pays réunit des plaines fertiles, mais aussi des déserts et des steppes. La moitié ouest est davantage composée de plateaux vallonnés et de massifs imposants. Là, le plateau tibétain couvre le quart du territoire chinois. On y trouve des animaux singuliers comme le léopard des neiges.
The Planets
Jupiter a façonné le destin de toutes les planètes du système solaire grâce à son immense gravité et continue d'influencer toute la galaxie. Peu après sa naissance, son orbite s'est déplacée, la rapprochant toujours plus du Soleil. Ainsi, elle s'est assurée qu'aucune autre planète ne puisse se former et pourrait être à l'origine de l'arrêt de la croissance de Mars, qui aurait pu devenir aussi grande que la Terre.
Flog It!
In Norfolk, David Harper is excited by a Polynesian war club.