Escape to the Country
After 15 years living and working in Dubai, two expats want to return home to the UK and need Sonali Shah's help to find them a new home in wonderful West Sussex. Sonali also drops in on a farm which specialises in growing a variety of sunflowers, many of which are taller than she is!
Lorraine Pascale: How to Be a Better Cook.
Lorraine Pascale sort de sa cuisine et prend la route pour aller à la rencontre de personnes qui veulent cuisiner pour leur proches mais manquent terriblement de confiance et d'expérience culinaire!
Joanna Page's Wild Life
Joanna experiences her first rescue when a little fox cub gets its head stuck in some netting at a local school. The challenge is to release the fox without it running away so they can check it over. She also discovers that catching robins in an aviary is harder than it looks. Checking in on the badgers is much more relaxing. And her first releases are very special.
BBC News
A suivre, les dernières actualités présentées par les équipes rédactionnelles de la BBC, le très réputé radiodiffuseur du service public britannique. Créée en 1922 à Londres, la British Broadcast Corporation est connue pour être la plus ancienne société diffusant des programmes de radio ou de télévision au monde.